Computational Materials Science and Mechanics Laboratory (CMSML)
CMSML has been involved in a marketing video for Mechanical Engineering at NIU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N4SyCeO1Q8
Alex successfully defended his thesis. Congratulation, Alex.
Eric Hochmann received the "2017 Graduate Student Award" of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIU. His thesis title was: "CONTROL OF THERMAL HISTORY IN DIRECT LASER DEPOSITION USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD"; Congratulation, Eric.
CMSML received a research and artistry award of $13500 from NIU. The title of the project is: "Design of Metal-Coated Carbon Nanotube Foams for Improved Mechanical Response"
CMSML presented two posters at MRS Spring 2017 conference. The details of the posters are as follows:
Dinesh Bommidi, Iman Salehinia, Study of Heat Transport in Metal-Coated Carbon Nanotubes Using Molecular Dynamics Atomistic Simulations.
Adnan Rasheed, Iman Salehinia, Atomistic Simulation of Scratch Behavior of Ceramic/Metal Nanolamina

Lauren received a Student Engagement Fund (SFE) for project “The Effects of Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Mxenes”. Lauren will be working with Dr. Salehinia beginning Fall 2017 to perform this project. Congratulation, Lauren.
Alex defended his thesis proposal successfully. Great job, Alex.
Mars Rover Team won ETAS Award of excellence and 1st place in senior design projects in the Mechanical engineering; Spring 2017. ​
MEKK lift won 2nd place in senior design projects in the Mechanical engineering; Spring 2017